register for our upcoming


The Secret to Living is Giving

Saturday, July 20th 11:30-1:30pm

Join us for an immersive workshop designed to unlock your potential for societal contribution. Based on our comprehensive ten-module workbook, this workshop will guide you through a transformative journey to make a lasting impact on the world.

Key Learnings:

-Harness and radiate positive energy
-Discover purposeful volunteering opportunities
-Implement the Platinum Rule for deeper connections
-Craft a compelling life vision
-Live a life of impact and conscious contribution
-Take empowered action towards your goals
-Strengthen community focus and networks
-Embrace service leadership principles
-Create an enduring impact and positive legacy

This workshop features interactive sessions, guided visualizations, expert speakers, and personalized action plans. Whether you’re aiming to enhance personal growth or community involvement, you’ll gain the tools and insights to make a meaningful difference. Join us to be part of a movement towards a better, more connected world.

Investment: $44

Heal The Center Of Your Universe (Microbiome) Class

Saturday, July 27th 1:00-2:00pm

Are you ready to enhance your health and experience a vibrant, energetic new you?

The center of your universe, your microbiome plays a critical role in your overall health and wellness. Through this class you’ll be able to assess the state of your personal microbiome and identify any imbalances that may be impacting your health.

But that’s not all! This class will empower you to take charge of your own health and wellness through discovering how your microbiome affects every aspect of life, from digestion to mood to overall vitality.
You’ll gain easy-to-implement action steps that you can start using today to improve your microbiome health and support your body’s natural healing processes.

Join us today and take the first step towards optimal health!

Energetic Exchange: $33

Moved By Mantra with Kristi

Saturday, July 27th 3:00-5:00pm

Discover what it is to be “Moved by Mantra” inside and out in this brand new multidisciplinary workshop by Te de Sura Studio.
Together, we will explore the vibrational effects of activities combining gentle conscious movement, “sounding”, and the chanting of specific mantras. Participants will also experience a relaxing mantra-inspired sound exploration provided by Kristi. Come away feeling refreshed, connected, and with greater understanding of self, as well as new knowledge to support your own practice!

Energetic Exchange: $44

Moving Meditation Class With Karla 

Saturday, August 10th  11:30-12:30

Join us for a fantastic integrated class where we dive into the fusion of Mental Gymnastics, coined by medical practitioner Milton Trager as Mentastics™, fused with wisdom and movements of ancient Qigong, led by Massage Therapist and Personal Dance instructor Karla.

At Mantra we are all about overall health and wellness from the inside out. During this class you will have the opportunity to get in touch with your deeper self as we use music and gentle movement to connect the universal energies around us to the energies within yourself.

We will explore how to harness the amazing Energy that Mother Earth allows us as well as the Universal Powers as we delve into the realm of Qigong. With gentle movements and focus we will move our bodies through a simple series that you can then take with you to use in your own everyday practice. These movements have been known to significantly improve symptoms of fatigue and sleep quality as well as boosting the immune system and lowering stress.

As in guided meditation, Mental Gymnastics uses verbal cues, with these cues you are encouraged to go inward and focus on a certain image or body part and put energy into that space. Allowing yourself space for introspection and growth. There is no right or wrong way to do this. It is your body and your opportunity to give it focus and love.

Investment $22